Thursday, March 8, 2012

Let me up on my Soapbox

Arizona has passed a bill, that is on its way to the House for vote, that allows doctors to withhold relevant medical information about a woman and her fetus for the purpose of eliminating the desire for an abortion. This includes women whose lives are potentially at risk, women who are carrying an ectopic pregnancy, and just plain women- women who have a say with their bodies, women who have a right to know what is happening to them, women who have the right to chose to live.

Women who chose not to take advantage of preventative measures at the risk of losing their own life expect that right to be given to them; why can't I expect the right to chose to live? At what point does the interest of a potential life overpower the interests of someone who is already living?

Conservatives are literally creating and passing bills that allow doctors to withhold accurate information about a woman's body/prenatal health based on their personal beliefs; and if that woman dies due to the doctor's biased negligence, they are protected by the government from being held accountable. Do they seriously still want us to believe there's no war on women? That may have worked in the 50's, but women are paying attention today.

If you're interested in filling your mind with a little extra knowledge today, read this article about what happens to college sex when you stop subsidizing birth control.

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